Inspiration, Intuition, Illumination

  • Transmute anxiety into Creativity
  • Cultivate your Intuition
  • Discover who you REALLY are

Do you think and feel deeply?

Are you aware of how powerful this really is? I bet you already feel this is true but doubt yourself? You have likely spent your life exhausting yourself trying to ‘manage’ this sensitivity – as though it’s a problem rather than a gift.

This is because there is a relentless and fundamentally mistaken message around being ‘too sensitive’ – a message that has kept intuitive empathic people in the dark – feeling flawed in some intangible way. We are immersed in a pervasive cultural fear of sensitivity itself where most live in ‘fight or flight’ mode to compensate. This is likely what has kept your latent, natural intuitive talents for thinking and feeling beyond the norm, utterly suppressed. Consider this:

What if… Sensitivity is strength? Therefore, your compassion is power, your curiosity an intelligence and your creativity is the foundation of your purpose?

Would you embrace your compassion, curiosity and creativity? Take action, empowered by your underlying sensitivity? If yes and you are ready to aspire from all that is deep within you, ignite your unique spark and become a shining light of inspiration in the world, then let’s talk.

With my own adventures as an alternative thinker, writer, scholar and community leader, I have already influenced cultural change at a national level as I travelled internationally as an avant-garde artist, and supported the emergence of hundreds of creative careers. As a highly sensitive person, I have also experienced the nuances of all the highs and lows of the empath’s journey and am now immersed in consciousness research itself.

I am uniquely placed to guide other sensitive, perceptive people who feel stuck in that peculiar dark – to find their light and become the authentic intuitive, creative leaders the know and feel so deeply.

It’s time we took the lead, let’s re-enchant this anxious world. Are you ready?

…Ready to Grow with the Flow?

The way we think, feel and interact with the world is changing fundamentally. Understanding and harnessing the potential of consciousness is empowering us for health, wealth and unity. From influencers and artists to communities and businesses who lead the vanguard of progress, upgrading the human conscious experience is essential to growth and sustainability in the shifting landscape of evolving culture, spirituality and technology.

Being at the ‘front’ is firstly about being on a journey. True heart-centred leaders are those willing to keep on stepping ahead on to new ground, in spite of – and because of – their uncertainties.

Many individuals feel they are ‘called’ to lead – but few answer the call. Even though the call keeps coming! Often, it is because they are lost in the darkness of doubt or, hidden by the shadows of self-limiting belief. Artists, writers, spiritual teachers, social and community activists so often have such incredibly powerful things to say, are driven by sincere passion and an ardent desire to act and make a difference – but they struggle to find the words, remain invisible despite years of service, have been restricted by expectations of others or feel that although they have the ‘vision’ they are lost without direction.

If this is you, then now is your time to be seen, heard and understood.

From those first steps of daring self-exploration through to developing your own sustainable personal mission, my mission is to guide you on a three stage journey:

  • To go from ‘being creative?
  • …to being the ‘creative director‘ of your best life…
  • …to thrive in the sustainable joy of ‘Creative Being‘.

My name is Kirsty Lucinda Allan and I celebrate the extra-ordinary, the unconventional and the transpersonal beauty of body, mind and spirit. I have a lifetime’s experience of subverting the norms, seeking and celebrating alternative perspectives, of forging bold new paths and leading others through unknown territory toward their own authentic ‘light’. I have led many beautiful people – to shine brilliantly for others to see, love and follow.

I will guide you to ‘Find Your Light’ so that you can ‘Lead Your Way’. 

Find Your Light…

Uncover your brilliance and illuminate the world through dedicated creative personal development support. 

If you are a thinker, entrepreneur, artist, healer, writer or coach who feels called to lead – but is stuck in the dark, at a crossroads or cannot see the way ahead, then this is the chance to shine in your purpose. This is the programme to finally get that big project out of your head… and in to the world.

Find Your Light is my premium service. It is 3 months (or more) of deep transformational work and co-creation resulting in the release of your new project – with approx 15 thousand words, ready-written charting your journey, as a foundation for your own inspiring book, film, PR copy or course content.

From first steps to fulfilling mission – Find Your Light and Lead Your Way!

“Absolutely fascinating, possibly one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met in my life.”

Katie Martin

BBC Radio Solent

“Breaking New Ground”

Time Out


 “…she is a committed, diligent writer and sparkling storyteller.”

Karen Gregor

Producer – BBC R4

“I entered the class as a sceptic and suspected Kirsty was possibly slightly mad…I actually left suspecting Kirsty was in fact a bit of a genius.”

L’oreal Blacklett

Manchester Confidential

“Kirsty is an incredible creative tour de force, polymath, and consummate professional. She has an amazing ability to bring out the best in others. In her professional and personal life, she is thoughtful, curious, generous and prepared to take inspired risks.”

Dr. Morgana McCabe-Allan


My Book: Ironic Fundamentalism (IF)

What if… the nature of the universe is entirely paradoxical?

What if… Anxiety could be transformed from a crushing weight into a creative force?

What if… you are sitting on a personal goldmine of hidden manifesting skills?

You can – and You can choose this.

With a sense of ironic humour and personal insight, Ironic Fundamentalism is an upbeat perspective on ourselves, the universe and everything. Here anxiety is turned on its head into an inner-guide which leads us to tackle the big questions that lie unconsciously beneath our angst and worries, setting us free from the weight of fear and self-doubt.

Know Me

Charmed by curiosity, I live in the avant-garden of life where I hold space for others to grow. As such, I uncover and illuminate beauty and power in the individual – especially where it is overlooked, hidden away or atypical. I am obsessed with the exploration of consciousness and the inherent potential we have to create our reality and nurture our best meaningful lives, together.

Work With Me

Join my club as I guide members to explore and transcend their self-doubts, define their mission, expand their conscious awareness and create their own amazing authentic material that provides a real sustainable present and future.

or, if you want to transform your business as the leadership level then have a look at:

Workwell (for businesses)